Because of The Gospel, 

We Go

God's purpose in the church extends beyond us gathering in worship into going in worship so others will see the glory of our great God and turn to worship Him. We desire to be worshipers that lead others to worship, disciples that make disciples, a church that plants churches. To that end, in all we do we consider how we can best express God's truth and extend His Grace that others can come to know our Creator who chose to be our Savior!


Every member of The Way commits to live as a missionary where they are. We don't have to go to far away lands, our city needs the Gospel, it needs Gospel centered churches, and Gospel motivated relief efforts. We work the mission into every component of who we are as a church from Sunday morning gathering to Community Group meetings across our city. But, we also intentionally build partnerships and networks with other organizations to facilitate Gospel influence, because we are convinced that where the Gospel is planted, watered, and nurtured the Church will thrive. Some of those works are listed below.

  • LoCal Partnerships

    We have established partnerships to work closely with two elementary schools in our area and our neighborhood association. These partnerships allow us to serve the community and connect us to people so we might proclaim the Gospel and exemplify it in action.

  • Plantozarks

    PlantOzarks is our local regional arm of PlantMidwest. PlantOzarks is committed to raising up men called of God to plant gospel-centered, missional churches and to see gospel-driven multiplication. We gather quarterly for prayer, training, and networking. To find out when our next gathering is follow us on Facebook or for more information visit our website -


These intentional and strategic partnerships facilitate our engagement at much more than a national level. Truly, through our involvement with Southern Baptists and the Acts 29 Network, we are able to partner and work together with other churches at local, national, and international levels.

  • Acts29 Network

    Through our connection to the Acts 29 Network, we engage in every direction the compass will point. God is moving among these churches and we are blessed to be a part of His work. Acts 29 is a diverse global network of church-planting churches that stands in the tradition of historic evangelical confessionalism. 

    • We are passionate about gospel centrality. 
    • We enthusiastically embrace the sovereignty of God's grace in saving sinners. 
    • We recognize and rest upon the necessity of the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit for all of life and ministry. 
    • We are deeply committed to the fundamental spiritual and moral equality of male and female and to men as responsible servant-leaders in the home and the church. 
    • We embrace a missionary understanding of the local church and its role as the primary means by which God chooses to establish his kingdom on earth.

  • SBC / NAMB

    We are a Southern Baptist Church that is committed not simply to see our church grow, but see Jesus' Kingdom advance. As a result we are committed to supporting Gospel centered works through participation, prayer, and provision of financial support given to the cooperative fund and North American Mission Board.


Through partnerships with Southern Baptists and the Acts 29 Network, we are making an impact around the world. In particular we are currently serving around the world in the following places.

  • West Africa

    We currently serve in two remote villages to see the Gospel take root among a previously unreached and unengaged people. As we have partnered with another church in our city, we have been blessed to see God save lives and begin establishing his church in a place where none existed before.