Because of the gospel, 

we are


We live for Jesus' fame in our gathering and in our going.
We are His disciples who devote our lives to Him in worship, membership, ministry and mission, as we make, mature, and mobilize disciples who multiply disciple-making disciples.


  • Worshippers who lead others to know and worship Jesus.
  • Members of Jesus' family, united by faith in His death and life.
  • Ministers who selflessly serve in love of Jesus and others.
  • Missionaries who proclaim the Gospel to multiply Jesus' disciples.


  • We make disciples - evangelize and assimilate
  • We mature disciples - equip and empower
  • We mobilize disciples - gather and go
And we pray the Lord will multiply disciples who live for Jesus' fame in all their gathering and going.

We Gather and Go.

  • Temple - large group (church-wide) gatherings to worship, learn and go together
  • Table - small group (life-on-life) gatherings to apply the truth in life, minister to one another, and fellowship together
  • Town - from our neighbors to the nations, we have been sent to make the Gospel known among all people.


The Gospel

God is perfect. He came to us. He converted us. He brought life from death. He saves and we respond. The Gospel is that in spite of who we are and what we deserve, God has redeemed us by counting us righteous through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. This core value is central to our lives, because it is what brought us life. Therefore, we recognize that it affects every area of life.


If God’s Word weren’t true or there were no absolute truths, our hope in the Gospel would be wishful thinking. In addition, we hold to truth above tradition. While traditions are not bad in and of themselves, cultural perspectives, liturgies, and other religious perspectives often become a culture's measure of truth. It is our desire to move back to God’s revealed truth and build upon that foundation. God has spoken; His Word is truth. The Bible is that Word (2 Timothy 3:16) from God. Therefore, in all things, we seek to build upon that foundation of immovable, unshakeable truth.


Everything we do is to be done in love (1 Corinthians 13:1-3; 16:14). Whether we are building relationships, serving, sharing, teaching, or even taking an unpopular stance for truth, we should do it with the same spirit that Christ demonstrated when He laid down His life for us. As a body of believers, scripture is clear that biblical love is a mark that should be evident in us corporately and individually (1 John 4:7-12). It is this amazing love that God has demonstrated to us that moves us beyond being spectators to being proactive participants in God’s work in the lives of His people and redeeming those enslaved to sin.


Mankind was created with an inherent need for relationship (Genesis 2:18). As a consequence of sin, mankind’s relationship with God was severed, and a wedge was driven between each of us as well (Genesis 3). As we are redeemed, we are not only brought back into relationship with God, but we are also enabled and empowered to enjoy a deep and meaningful fellowship with others (1 Peter 1:22). The church was founded on these types of relationships and we must continue to seek to build strong relationships. It is within these healthy and strong relationships that we find accountability, support, purpose, and acceptance.


Authenticity refers to the truthfulness of origins, attributions, commitments, sincerity, devotion, and intentions. To be authentic moves us beyond simply living with a “said” faith. The call on a Christian’s life is to leave hypocrisy behind (1 Peter 2:1), to be genuine in our words and actions. 


Jesus Christ called his followers to stand firm to the end (Matthew 10:22). Paul encouraged believers to run the race in order to win the crown (1 Corinthians 9:24). Perseverance is required to live this Christian life. No matter what life holds, how bleak circumstances appear, how daunting the task, or how discouraging the outcome, our call is to stay the course. As a people, we are committed to intentionally living the life God has called us to live, in addition to supporting the work and efforts of this community in which we are privileged to live and serve.

Missional Living

God has given us a mission beyond ourselves and His church (Matthew 28:18-20). It is His will that none should perish, and this redemptive work is now being done by His power through His people. Missional living mandates that we have a biblical worldview, continue God’s work on the Earth, and share the gospel as we make disciples of all people. Living missionally is not simply completing certain activities, or waiting for outreach projects to occur, but living in relationship with God daily, and always being prepared to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ. Until Christ returns, we go.