Revelation - Recommended Resources
There are lots of great resources to point you to in order to study beyond what we will cover in the sermon series. Below I am giving you a sampling of several that will provide basic overviews, but others that will assist you in digging deeper into the text. Don't try to digest all of them, I'm providing more than any one of us needs because each of you will be looking for different things. So, take a look at the resources and pick the ones you believe will be most helpful to you.
Bible Project Videos
Jim Hamilton, who serves at Southern Seminary and wrote the commentary for Revelation in the Preaching the Word series, also preached through it. You can hear his sermons at the links below.
Fans of Nancy Guthrie will appreciate her “Blessed” podcast, in which she interviews several scholars on different aspects of the book of Revelation:
Many people who think of the book of Revelation, think first about the view of the Millenium even though it is only referred to at the end of the book. We will find out that this book is about so much more than chapter 20 and the millennium. However, our view of the Millennium (the 1000-year reign of Christ) can affect so much more than just our view of what is to come. So, though we shouldn’t divide over or despise another’s millennial perspective, we should not ignore the Millennium or how others teach it and how it influences their faith and practice.
Below I am providing resources that work through 3 of the primary views that Christians hold today (Historic Pre-millennialism, Amillennialism, Postmillennialism). But let me provide 2 notes, one cautionary and the other explanatory.
NOTE 1: Because most modern (last 5-ish decades) have woven the Postmillennial view together with a view called Theonomy or Christian Reconstructionism, a cautionary word must be offered. The book of Revelation is a distinctly “New Covenant” book. It draws on many Old Testament prophecies. However, it shows the fulfillment and purpose of the Old Covenant and Old Testament is always Jesus Christ. Postmil Theonomy over-realizes the continuity between the Old and New Covenants and under-appreciates the newness of the New Covenant. It often leans heavily into applications of Old Covenant law in New Covenant lives. This is akin to the same mistake Paul was condemning the Judaizers for in Galatians. So, for this reason, I caution you to read/study modern proponents of Postmillennialism with discernment.
NOTE 2: I’m not providing resources on the Dispensationalist view of the millennial view because, as a church, we teach from and are leading toward a Reformed Baptist view of the Scripture. Dispensationalism is more than the raptureand seven-year tribulation. It is a framework in which a person approaches the whole Bible and therefore is not a position we would endorse even as we recognize Dispensationalists as brothers in the faith. I don’t want to discourage your study of it, but note there are significant differences in the way the dispensationalist will approach the view of the Millenium and the letter of Revelation.
Bible Project Videos
Jim Hamilton, who serves at Southern Seminary and wrote the commentary for Revelation in the Preaching the Word series, also preached through it. You can hear his sermons at the links below.
- Revelation 1:1-8
- Revelation 1:9-20
- Revelation 2:1-7
- Revelation 2:8-11
- Revelation 2:12-17
- Revelation 2:18-29
- Revelation 3:1-6
- Revelation 3:7-13
- Revelation 3:14-22
- Revelation 4:1-11
- Revelation 5:1-14
- Revelation 6-16 Overview
- Revelation 6:1-17
- Revelation 7:1-17
- Revelation 8:1-13
- Revelation 9:1-21
- Revelation 10:1-11
- Revelation 11:1-19
- Revelation 12:1-17
- Revelation 13:1-10
- Revelation 13:11-18
- Revelation 14:1-13
- Revelation 15
- Revelation 16
- Revelation 17
- Revelation 18
- Revelation 19
- Revelation 20:1-15
- Revelation 21:1-8
- Revelation 22:1-9
- Revelation 22:10-21
Fans of Nancy Guthrie will appreciate her “Blessed” podcast, in which she interviews several scholars on different aspects of the book of Revelation:
- Episode 1 - Why Study the Book of Revelation?
- Episode 2 - The Apocalyptic Nature of Revelation with Iain Duguid
- Episode 3 - How the Old Testament Helps us Make Sense of Revelation with Andrew Sach
- Episode 4 - The Theology of the Book of Revelation with Tom Schreiner
- Episode 5 - The Marriage Imagery of Revelation with Jonathan Gibson
- Episode 6 - The Organization of Revelation with Vern Poythress
- Episode 7 - The Promised-Shaped Patterns that Resolve in Revelation with Jim Hamilton
- Episode 8 - Revelation’s Call to Courage and a Refusal to Compromise with Russell Moore
- Episode 9 - Revelation’s Message to Persecuted Believers with Karen Ellis
- Episode 10 - Time, Symbolism, and Imagery in Revelation with Greg Beale
- Revelation: A Shorter Commentary by G. K. Beale (This is a “concise” version of a much more technical commentary that is considered to be one of the best available today.)
- The Message of Revelation by Michael Wilcock (The Bible Speaks Today Series)
- The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation by Vern S. Poythress
- The Joy of Hearing: A Theology of the Book of Revelation by Thomas Scheiner
- Revelation For You by Tim Chester (God’s Word For You Series)
- Knowing the Bible: Revelation (from Crossway) – This is a great resource that works through the book of Revelation over the course of 12 weeks. You can purchase a paper copy from Crossway or Amazon. But, it has also been made available for free at The Gospel Coalition
- Study Guide to The Book of Revelation by Vern Poythress (a free pdf)
Many people who think of the book of Revelation, think first about the view of the Millenium even though it is only referred to at the end of the book. We will find out that this book is about so much more than chapter 20 and the millennium. However, our view of the Millennium (the 1000-year reign of Christ) can affect so much more than just our view of what is to come. So, though we shouldn’t divide over or despise another’s millennial perspective, we should not ignore the Millennium or how others teach it and how it influences their faith and practice.
Below I am providing resources that work through 3 of the primary views that Christians hold today (Historic Pre-millennialism, Amillennialism, Postmillennialism). But let me provide 2 notes, one cautionary and the other explanatory.
NOTE 1: Because most modern (last 5-ish decades) have woven the Postmillennial view together with a view called Theonomy or Christian Reconstructionism, a cautionary word must be offered. The book of Revelation is a distinctly “New Covenant” book. It draws on many Old Testament prophecies. However, it shows the fulfillment and purpose of the Old Covenant and Old Testament is always Jesus Christ. Postmil Theonomy over-realizes the continuity between the Old and New Covenants and under-appreciates the newness of the New Covenant. It often leans heavily into applications of Old Covenant law in New Covenant lives. This is akin to the same mistake Paul was condemning the Judaizers for in Galatians. So, for this reason, I caution you to read/study modern proponents of Postmillennialism with discernment.
NOTE 2: I’m not providing resources on the Dispensationalist view of the millennial view because, as a church, we teach from and are leading toward a Reformed Baptist view of the Scripture. Dispensationalism is more than the raptureand seven-year tribulation. It is a framework in which a person approaches the whole Bible and therefore is not a position we would endorse even as we recognize Dispensationalists as brothers in the faith. I don’t want to discourage your study of it, but note there are significant differences in the way the dispensationalist will approach the view of the Millenium and the letter of Revelation.
- An Evening of Eschatology – In this video, you’ll find 3 positions of the millennium represented. Doug Wilson, though not explicitly here, affirms and teaches postmil theonomy. Though I don't endorse his views, I also wouldn't discourage you from hearing from him. However, I would remind you of the caution above.
- What is the Millennial Reign of Christ – Tom Schreiner of “The Southern Baptist Seminary” defines/describes the 3 main views of the millennium.
- The Millennium and Beyond: Three Views on the Millenium by Various Authors (NOTE: Kenneth Gentry presents the Postmil perspective that is flavored with theonomy. As it is noted in his chapter and by his respondents, this departs from Classic or Historical Postmillennialism.)
- A Case for Historic Premillennialism by Craig Blomberg and Sung Wook Chung
- A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times by Kim Riddlebarger
- Postmillennialism: An Eschatology of Hope by Keith Mathison (this is a better representation of a classical postmil position in line with the likes of B.B. Warfield or Jonathan Edwards).