Posts with the tag “church-membership”
Why Sign a Covenant?
by Seth Shelton on June 6th, 2023
For one of the previous videos click the following links Part 1, Part 2, Part 3To listen/watch: Click hereSigning a document is an indication of our commitment to one another. We sign contracts, licenses, and all sorts of other things affirming our commitments and the truthfulness of our testimony. We practice signing a covenant together to that same end. As we sign and recognize others who have c... Read More
Every Member Minister/Missionary
by Seth Shelton on June 1st, 2023
For Part 1 of Membership Matters (Click Here)For Part 2 of Membership Matters (Click Here)Click here to watch/listenI've often heard it debated as to whether we should use terms like minister or missionary to describe every Christian. According to biblical instruction and wisdom, the answer would suggest that we can have specific roles identified as minister or missionary while recognizing that we... Read More
Is Membership Worth it?
by Seth Shelton on May 19th, 2023
For Part 1 of Membership Matters (Click Here)Click here to watch/listen.This is the value question, the cost/benefit analysis question, and the is it really worth it question. First, let's be clear, there is much to gain by being a committed member of a local church. But before we get to that, let's address the elephant in the room.We live in a world where membership often conveys certain benefits... Read More
Membership Matters
by Seth Shelton on May 18th, 2023
To watch/listen, click here.At the beginning of the year, we celebrated 15 years as a church. I began posting a series of videos and have plans for more that will help us again to consider why we have done and continue to do some of the things we do.It's taken me longer to get this done than I anticipated, but today is the first of a short series on church membership.Why Practice Church Membership... Read More
Our Time Together/ Your Part to Play
by Seth Shelton on January 21st, 2023
If the average church worship gathering lasts 90 minutes (that’s actually on the long side) that translates to less than 1% of our time each week. Assuming we never miss a week over the course of a year, we will have spent 78 hours of our 8,760 hours worshipping together with other Christians. Of course, this doesn’t account for other weekly Bible studies or missional projects that for which we ga... Read More
Big Church
by Seth Shelton on January 13th, 2023
Click here if you prefer to watch/listen.To this point, our focus has been directed to those moments of the Sunday morning worship gathering before the service begins. Hopefully, you have sensed how important it is that we each strive to be very intentional in coming to church with as much to give in love, hospitality and service towards others as we are looking to receive as we gather. But as imp... Read More