Two Aspects of Bearing Witness to Jesus

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To be witnesses to Jesus requires we call people in the world to repent and believe.

  • If, in our efforts to evangelize, we never call someone to repent and only call them to trust Jesus, we are only asking them to put Jesus alongside all their other "gods." 
  • But, if in our efforts to evangelize, we never call someone to trust in Jesus and only call them to repent of sin, we are only asking them to abide by a moral ethic. 
To be witnesses to Jesus requires we call people in the world to repent and believe.

Mark 1:15 (ESV) — 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”

These two calls are woven together in the message proclaimed by Jesus, then by the Apostles, then by their disciples, and it continues today. As we, the church, gather and go as worshippers and witnesses, we are only doing what He has called us to do if we proclaim a message of repentance and belief.

REPENT — From the original language, the word doesn't mean "turn" or "stop doing something," as is often said. It actually means "change one's mind." If a person is to truly turn from sin, it is going to start in their mind. They must quit believing the lies they believe that are leading to their sinful actions. They must quit viewing the immoral as moral. If a person does become repentant through the discipleship process, then it will become evident as they turn from sinful activity, but this is the fruits of repentance, not the repentance itself. We'll never actually be able to turn from sin until we change our minds about it.

So, if you are walking alongside someone who is clearly in sin, and you want to bear witness to Jesus, don't only teach them the Gospel, call them to repent (change their mind) of their sin and confess that it is what it is, not a mistake, not unwise actions, but sin.

BELIEVE — This word in the original language means trust. Too often we talk about "believing in Jesus" as if we are talking about believing He was a real person in almost the same way we talk about "believing in Santa." But, the reality is when we call people to believe, we are calling them to trust Jesus, trust His words, His Gospel message, His authority, His power, and His work.

After repenting (changing one's mind), people need to replace the lies they previously believed with truth, people need to replace how they previously viewed God with the truth about God, people need to know what is true and right in God's view rather than their own. So, believing (trusting) Jesus points us down the right path, where repentance recognizes the sinfulness of our previous path.

KEEP REPENTING, KEEP BELIEVING — Repenting and believing are at the start of the Christian life, but they are not a one-time response. Instead, they mark all of the Christian life.
Immediately, repentance and faith turn us toward Jesus. But the changes don't all happen at once. We will begin to love Jesus more than our sin, desire Jesus more than our sin, strive for Jesus more than our sin. And, as we continue in repentance and in faith, the fruits will only become more evident. Our words and deeds will reflect and represent Jesus more and more, and we will grow increasingly dependent on and grateful for God's grace given through the cross of Jesus Christ.

So keep repenting and believing. Call your brothers and sisters in Christ to do the same as you bear witness to Him, especially those who are trapped in sin. And, for those who do not know Him yet, bear witness to Jesus by calling them to repent and believe.
To be witnesses to Jesus we must call people to both - repent and believe.