Watch Out for False Teachers

Did you know that every New Testament author warns against false teachers and their teaching? In fact, every book in the New Testament other than Philemon has some reference, warning, or direct rebuke of false teachers and the lies they spew.

The Bible ends with a warning against false teaching.

Revelation 22:18–19 (ESV) — 18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

John is clear that God’s written Word is not to be added to or subtracted from. He doesn’t mean we can’t refer to a portion or take it in chunks. But in our teaching and believing, if we aren’t considering the whole counsel of God’s Word (John’s concern is to the book of Revelation), then we are dealing with, at best, a half-truth that is a complete lie.

The Bible doesn’t just end with a reference to false teaching. You can actually find it all the way back at the beginning. In Genesis 3, Eve didn’t just eat the fruit because she felt like it. She was deceived. The dragon, the ancient serpent, entered the garden and did what he does so well – he lied. He’s been doing the same thing ever since. If we stop to look at it quickly (Genesis 3:1-5), we can see a pattern that will help us later.
  1. Did God actually say? (Doubt God’s Word) – false teachers always question whether God said something or not. That is why knowing God’s Word is necessary for all believers. That is why Paul told Timothy to “preach the Word” and warned him against “foolish controversies.” This is why John is adamant that we not tamper with God’s Word.
  2. You won’t die (Contradict God’s Word) – not only does a false teacher want to create doubt about what God said, but his teaching will directly contradict God’s Word. It may be much more veiled than Satan was with Eve. The lies might be hidden behind or woven together with some form of truth, but they will still clearly contradict God’s Word. For example, Mormons, Muslims, and Jehovah’s Witnesses all believe in Jesus, but they don’t believe in the Jesus of the Bible. These cults are filled with false teachers and the people they have deceived.
  3. Your eyes will be opened (Entice W/Created Things) – Satan goes on to tempt Eve. You will gain something you are currently missing. He entices her and causes her to believe God hasn’t given her or Adam enough. The Israelites did the same thing in the wilderness. The lies they believed led them to complain and accuse God. Eve didn’t accuse God openly but still decided rebellion was the better option.
  4. You’ll be like God (Offer an Alternative Path to Life) – God created Adam and Eve in His image. They were as like God as they could be. But here, Satan presents an alternative path to be like God in the world God designed and created. Not only does he not have that kind of authority, but it also requires a denial of God and His authority over all things.

I think it is fair to say we need to expect even be prepared to face off against false teachers and their lies today. What I mean by that is we need a true teaching or sound doctrine to teach and believe about false teachers. So, in the coming days/weeks, I’ll post here with that goal in mind. In particular, some of the topics I’ll take up are Identifying, Combatting, and Exposing False Teachers. If you have particular questions, send them to me, and I’ll do my best to provide a biblical response.