Covenant Love

When we think about God's relationship with His people, particularly in the Old Testament, it's easy to focus solely on laws and commandments. We might picture a stern deity issuing edicts from on high, demanding obedience through fear and punishment. But what if this perspective misses the very heart of God's covenant?

Digging into Deuteronomy, particularly chapters 6 through 11, reveals a profound truth that challenges our preconceptions: the heart of God's covenant with Israel was love, not law. This insight doesn't negate the importance of God's commandments, but it reframes our understanding of why those laws were given and how they were meant to be followed.

The foundation of this covenant relationship is God's love for His people. Before He ever demanded love from Israel, He demonstrated His love for them. He chose them not because of their merit or numbers, but simply because He set His affection upon them. This divine love motivated God's miraculous deliverance of Israel from Egypt, His provision in the wilderness, and His promise of a bountiful land.

In response to this outpouring of love, God calls His people to love Him in return – but not out of mere obligation. The famous Shema, found in Deuteronomy 6:4-5, encapsulates this call: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." This commandment to love God isn't just one among many; it's the very essence of what it means to be in covenant relationship with Him.

But why is this emphasis on love so crucial? Because love for God produces a right response to Him. Loving God permeates every aspect of life influencing our thoughts, guiding our actions, and influencing the content of our conversations. Love guards against forgetfulness of God's goodness. This love tempers our fear of God appropriately, balancing reverence with the confidence that comes from knowing we are loved. Moreover, it guides and guards the faith of future generations, as we pass on not just rules, but a living relationship with a loving God.

The challenge, of course, is that we often fall short of this all-encompassing love. Like ancient Israel, we can easily become distracted by the gifts rather than the Giver, forgetting God's goodness in times of abundance. We may find our affections divided, our conversations centered on everything but God, our obedience motivated more by duty than devotion.

So how can we cultivate this transformative love for God? The answer lies not in our own striving, but in a deeper appreciation of God's love for us. For those of us living in the new covenant, we have an even more profound demonstration of God's love than ancient Israel did – the cross of Jesus Christ. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

Reflecting on the depths of God's love shown in Christ – who took on human flesh, lived among us, and died for us – kindles our own love in return. We're called to trust in the fullness of this love, resting in the assurance that "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). Nothing can separate us from this love – not life or death, angels or demons, the present or the future.

As we grow in our understanding and experience of God's love, we're empowered to confess and repent of competing affections. Those things that captivate our minds and drive our desires – even good things – must not displace our primary devotion to the Lord. This ongoing process of reorienting our hearts toward God is not accomplished through sheer willpower, but through the work of the Holy Spirit in us.

Indeed, one of the beautiful distinctions of the new covenant is that God Himself produces love within us. As we walk in the Spirit, we find that love is the first fruit mentioned among the Spirit's produce in our lives. Along with joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, this divinely-inspired love grows within us, gradually displacing the deeds of the flesh.

The invitation, then, is to immerse ourselves in the reality of God's love. To meditate on it, trust in its fullness, and allow it to transform us from the inside out. As we do, we'll find that our obedience to God's commands flows not from fear or mere duty, but from a heart overflowing with love for the One who first loved us.

This transformative love doesn't just change our individual lives; it impacts how we interact with the world around us. When people encounter us, they should experience the overflow of our love for God – a love that extends to everyone we meet. In a world often marked by division and hostility, this kind of love stands out. It testifies to the character of the God we serve, reflecting not only His truth and holiness but also His grace and mercy.

As we conclude, let's challenge ourselves to examine our hearts. What truly captivates us? What drives our conversations and decisions? Are we living out of a deep love for God, or are we merely going through religious motions? May we open ourselves to a fresh encounter with God's love, allowing it to kindle within us a passionate devotion that touches every aspect of our lives. For in doing so, we not only fulfill the heart of God's covenant but also experience the abundant, transformative life He intends for us.

To hear the full sermon, see the video below:

Sermon Recap




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