Big Church

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To this point, our focus has been directed to those moments of the Sunday morning worship gathering before the service begins. Hopefully, you have sensed how important it is that we each strive to be very intentional in coming to church with as much to give in love, hospitality and service towards others as we are looking to receive as we gather. But as important as those moments of worship are before the service, the Sunday morning gathering is more than just worshipping God by serving others. We set this time aside to worship together through unified singing, the preaching of His Word, and the observance of His sacraments. Just as each of us has a significant part to play before the service, we each play an important part throughout this time as well.

I remember as a child not wanting to go to “big” church. I don’t know if anyone else ever referred to the church service this way. But we called it “big” church because all the adults or big people went there, and kids under a certain age would do something else. My lack of desire to go to “big” church didn’t sway my mother’s mind, though. I definitely sat through my fair share of Sunday morning church services. It seemed so boring, and it was so difficult to sit still for so long. It wasn’t the singing I had a problem with; I enjoyed that. During the singing, we got to move around and we didn’t have to be so quiet. But once the preacher took the stage, a most intense internal struggle to sit still began.

In our over-stimulated world, it’s not just children who struggle with this anymore. Church leaders everywhere are doing all kinds of crazy things to “spice” up their services to make them more engaging. This is not always a bad thing; there is a reason some churches have been referred to as “the frozen chosen.” There should be a sense of joy and celebration as we gather. But it isn’t hard to go too far in the other direction and allow our antics to take center stage. @celebritypastor once posted, “My usher team got all huffy when I asked them to wear reindeer costumes today. Their hearts are two sizes too small.” When the most memorable moment in a worship service is not an encounter with the living God, but rather the cool lighting effects, the pastor swinging in on a rope or ushers dressed like reindeer, a line has been crossed.

Methodology and the use of technology are never the ultimate answer to bringing life to the church service. There is only one source for life and its got nothing to do with lights and smoke, but everything to do with abiding in Christ. We’ll never get past our boredom in church until we quit going for a reason other than seeking Jesus and striving to live to His glory.

Remember what Paul wrote to the Corinthians: Whatever we do should be done to His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31). It should be done with Him as the central motivating factor. Everything else is just a simple methodology that will bring no fulfillment nor bear any spiritual fruit. It may feel good for the moment, but if Jesus and His Father’s glory are not the main goal of the service, those good feelings fade and leave us empty-handed.

At The Way, we are not often polished with a lot of frills. But the leadership strives to ensure Jesus is exalted, and His Gospel message is proclaimed repeatedly each time we are together. Each song is chosen and placed in order intentionally. The sermons are intended to not only explain the Scripture but also to help us see how the Gospel is the answer. Each week, we observe communion, not because it’s a cool tradition, but because it emphasizes even our response is in light of the finished work of Jesus on the cross and the hope of His resurrection.

For the Sunday Morning Missionary, the worship gathering is not just another stop on the weekly itinerary. Sunday Morning Missionaries come to church with their hearts prepared and ready to worship Jesus in service and song together. Sunday Morning Missionaries don’t passively hear the sermon but listen intently for God’s voice from His Word. Sunday Morning Missionaries come seeking Jesus because they know nothing else satisfies. Sunday Morning Missionaries come knowing that this is one of God’s blessings that equip them to be missionaries Monday through Friday.