Posts with the category “alpha-and-omega-additional-notes”

What About the Sabbath?
by Seth Shelton on May 10th, 2023
The talk about the law has been more technical than some might prefer (just one more week). But there are real-life practical applications. One of those is how we approach the 10 Commandments. Some Christians obey them because they believe these commandments are the summation of God’s moral law. Others, like me and maybe some of you, look at them and see the consistency of God’s moral character de...  Read More
Mosaic Law, Ten Commandments, and Christians
by Seth Shelton on May 2nd, 2023
Just for fun on this Friday, I wanted to share 3 videos from 2 renowned Bible scholars, each answering questions about a Christian’s relationship to the Mosaic Law.  <iframe width="612" height="282" src="" title="Don Carson on the Relationship between Old Testament Law and New Testament Ethics" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write...  Read More
All Scripture Christian Scripture
by Seth Shelton on April 29th, 2023
As the New Covenant people, all of Scripture is Christian Scripture. We don’t read the Old Testament and apply it as if it is our covenant law or as if the prophets are speaking directly for us. I shared this quote on Sunday, but it bears repeating,“We access and apply Moses’ law only through Christ and in view of the Apostles’ teaching, which together ground and sustain the church.” - Jason Derou...  Read More
I Am: Covenant Promise Fulfillment
by Seth Shelton on April 25th, 2023
I would have loved to tease this out even further on Sunday morning. But time didn't allow it. So, let's take some time now here to see Jesus' covenant fulfillment and His I AM statements in a bit more detail.In John's Gospel record, Jesus' "I AM" statements teach us something about Him. They help us to see Him in light of the Gospel work He has come to accomplish, but they also help us to see how...  Read More
Covenants or Dispensations?
by Seth Shelton on April 22nd, 2023
I started as an accidental Dispensationalist. I didn't even really know what it meant, nor did I understand that it was an overarching view that informed how I approached the Bible when I finally began to read it. I would have classified myself as a Dispe simply because of my view of the end times (rapture, seven-year tribulation, etc.). But, I hadn't come to those through a study of the Bible but...  Read More
Conditional/ Unconditional
by Seth Shelton on March 15th, 2023
We often speak of God's work in our world according to the conditions, or lack of conditions, surrounding that work. For example, we often say God's love or grace is unconditional. We can do nothing to earn either of them. Because of God's grace in Christ, we can do nothing to cause Him to love us more, nor can we do anything to cause Him to love us less.While it might be helpful in some limited w...  Read More
Abraham's Offspring
by Seth Shelton on March 7th, 2023
As we work our way through God’s covenants with people, there are certain aspects of these covenants that I can’t possibly do justice to on Sunday morning. But, in the same way, I provided some additional notes while we were working through the creation account I will do that here also.In our study of God’s covenant with Abraham this week, I highlighted that the Scripture speaks of the “offspring”...  Read More